Warth Schroecken
Winterwanderung zum Körbersee
NEWTrail running
in Warth-Schröcken

Mindfulness, resilience & happiness.

With resilience to an easier & happier life.

If you are looking for peace and distance from everyday life, the two small Walser villages Warth and Schröcken are just right for you. They are located between 1,200 and 1,500 metres above sea level in the Bregenzerwald, Allgäu and Lechtal Alps and together have less than 400 inhabitants. But breathtaking mountain panorama, clean and pollen-free air.

Inner balance in untouched nature
So it’s no wonder that there’s no better place than nature itself to leave everyday life behind and work for your own well-being. In the forest or in the mountains, the human nervous system reacts immediately. Stress hormones drop, blood pressure normalizes, man comes to rest. “With our mindfulness and breathing exercises, everyone can find their own balance”, says Carmen Drexel. “Our offerings combine theory with physical exercises and activities in and with nature. Participants learn new ways to identify stressors and deal with them better. ”

Sport for more resilience.
Sport is a good way to regulate stress in one’s own system in a simple and effective way and to return to everyday life strengthened. Defeating the inner bastard, that gives you strength. Avoid accidents and injuries while exercising with mindfulness – If you learn to listen to your own body, you reduce the risk of getting hurt. Mindfulness simply means to be fully in the here and now with no evaluation whatsoever. This helps you listen to your body and increase your ability to concentrate. Mindfulness, however, has to be trained, just like any sport.

Time out in the woods.

Stays in nature, especially in the forest, help to slow down, gain new energy and train mindfulness. In addition, inhaling forest air has a positive effect on our immune system, even in winter. A so-called “bath” in the forest, in nature, has been proven to reduce stress, lower blood pressure and promote concentration. How? Get involved and feel it for yourself in body, mind and soul.

Alternative program in bad weather.

Fancy trips.
Dive, dive into different worlds, to different places. Forget about everyday life for a while and give your body, mind and soul a break. Calm and relaxation should take place during a fantasy trip and our perception channels (seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling and tasting) should be activated subconsciously.

This meditation acts like an energy shower! Shake off the stress of everyday life with its many impressions from your body in a gentle way – just let go – and then recharge your batteries by dancing movements! This meditation technique also relaxes deeper levels in the body, can release blockages if you get involved. The result is a feeling of happiness, deep relaxation and joy.


  • On request - contact Carmen Drexel at +43 664 40 84 114.
  • Duration: approx. 1 – 1,5 h.
  • Price for guests from Warth-Schröcken: € 10,00.
  • Price for external guests: € 25,00.
  • To bring: warm and comfortable clothes.


Does the program take place indoors or outdoors?

  • The time out in the woods takes place outdoors in the forest.
  • The program points of the alternative program all take place indoors.

What do I wear best?

  • Put on what feels comfortable to you.
  • Winter hiking boots are required for the time out in the woods.

How do I find the meeting point?

  • At the Tourist Office Warth take the road towards Lech – second entrance on the left – past Haus Fritz to Seebachsee.
Carmen Drexel – Breathing, Relaxation Coach & Mindfulness Trainer.

Carmen Drexel – Breathing, Relaxation Coach & Mindfulness Trainer.

I grew up in a small, quiet hamlet outside the community center, but everything was surrounded by woods and meadows and I was able to move freely in nature. Movement in nature still plays a big role for me today! As a two-time mom, landlady and member of various voluntary offices, there are times when the mountain you have to overcome seems insurmountable! Nowadays, many are burdened with worries and existential fears and have lost touch with nature, their roots and themselves!

Through my training as a breathing, relaxation coach and mindfulness trainer I found ways to restore that connection! I was amazed how quickly and effectively even short breathing exercises can work in stress or anxiety situations to find oneself again! I realized how good it is and so I want to pass on this experience, share it, experience it with other people.

Ground rules.

Breathe consciously to establish the natural connection to breathing, to the body and to our consciousness!
Do not exaggerate or force yourself to do anything. The needs of the body should never be suppressed.
If you experience anxiety or discomfort, stop the exercise immediately.
Be patient – not every exercise works and works right from the first time.
Do not wear cramping clothes or jewellery.
The spine should be held straight, so the exercises at the beginning are recommended lying or standing.
And there should be some time between the last meal.


Please note the current traffic situation

  • L200 Bregenzerwald
  • B198 Reutte
  • L198 Lech
Show details