Warth Schroecken
WST_Resilienz_c_TVB Warth-Schroecken_Breitenberger_15
NEWTrail running
in Warth-Schröcken

Mindfulness, Resilience & Happiness.

With Resilience to a lighter & happier Life

Green stands for powerful calm and serenity.
For those seeking peace and a break from daily life, the small Walser villages of Warth and Schröcken are the perfect destination. Situated at an altitude between 1,200 and 1,500 meters in the Bregenzerwald and the Allgäu and Lechtal Alps, these idyllic spots have a combined population of less than 400. They offer breathtaking mountain views, clean, pollen-free air, crystal-clear lakes, and green alpine meadows. Green, the color of hope, also symbolizes growth and fertility, as well as powerful calm and serenity.

Inner balance in pristine nature.
It's no wonder that nature is the best place to leave everyday stress behind and focus on personal well-being. In the forest or mountains, the human nervous system responds immediately: stress hormones decrease, blood pressure normalizes, and a sense of calm prevails. “With our mindfulness and breathing exercises, everyone can find their own balance,” says Carmen Drexel. “Our programs combine theory with physical exercises and activities in and with nature. This way, participants learn to recognize new ways to better manage stress factors.”

Sport for greater resilience.
Part of these new ways includes the outdoor programs offered by the local adventure guides of Warth-Schröcken. Whether via ferrata, canyoning, adventure park, flying fox, or wild water swimming, sport is an excellent means to regulate stress in one’s system simply and effectively, allowing for a stronger return to daily life. Endurance sports like mountain hiking and trail running are particularly significant in this regard. By the way, the inner "couch potato" plays a crucial role here. As the guardian of regeneration, it often wants to skip sports. So, don't be discouraged and defeat your inner couch potato. It gives strength and boosts resilience.

  • Resilience & relaxation

  • Resilience & relaxation

  • Resilience & relaxation

  • Resilience & relaxation

Carmen Drexel - Breathing, Relaxation Coach & Mindfulness Trainer.

Carmen Drexel – Breathing, Relaxation Coach & Mindfulness Trainer.

"I grew up in a small, tranquil hamlet outside the town center. Surrounded by forests and meadows, I could freely explore nature. Even today, movement in nature plays a significant role for me!

As a mother of two, a host, and a member of various voluntary positions, there are times when the challenges of everyday life seem insurmountable. Many people nowadays are burdened with worries and existential fears, and have lost their connection to nature, their roots, and themselves.

Through my training as a breathing and relaxation coach, I have found ways to restore this connection. I was amazed at how quickly and effectively even short breathing exercises can work in stressful or anxious situations to help reconnect with oneself. These experiences have been very beneficial for me, and I want to pass them on, share them, and experience them together with others."

- Carmen Drexel

All programs at a glance.

Forest Bathing.
Time spent in the forest helps to slow down, rejuvenate, and cultivate mindfulness. Inhaling forest air also has a positive effect on the body and mind. Experience the power of trees and engage all your senses during this "bath": grasp, admire, feel, experience, and taste.

Stress-Relief Meditation.
This meditation acts like an energy shower! Gently shake off the everyday stress and its many impressions – simply let go – and afterwards, replenish with fresh energy through dancing movements! This meditation technique also relaxes deeper layers in the body and can release blockages when embraced. It brings forth feelings of happiness, deep relaxation, and joy.

Guided Imagery Journeys.
Dive in and let yourself be transported to various worlds and places. Forget about the everyday for a while and give body, mind, and soul a break. Relaxation and tranquility should settle in during a guided imagery journey, activating our subconscious perception channels (sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste).

World Circle Meditation.
In this gently moving meditation, accompanied by music, we share our heart's energy with all four cardinal directions and with our entire environment. We find peace and recharge our energy. This meditation is particularly breathtaking during sunset and sunrise.

Breathing means living! It's fascinating what we can achieve with our breathing on a physical and mental basis. In the program, we practice various breathing techniques and a breath meditation together, which you can then also apply at home: e.g., 5-breath method, coherent breathing, Hawaiian Piko-Piko breathing, and much more. An exciting and relaxing hour awaits you!

Booking the programs.
The Breathwork & Mindfulness Programs can also be booked upon request directly with Carmen Drexel at +43 664 40 84 114.
The price is EUR 30 per person per hour for external guests.

Lisa Grossmann - Yoga trainer.

Yoga in Warth-Schröcken

You can be anything.
And happiest of all.

Welcome to Yogapunkt Schröcken.
Balance between body and mind through powerful postures in hatha yoga.
Vinyasa flow provides meditation in motion.
Yin yoga addresses deeper layers of the body.
Let yourself be surprised by what yoga can do.
In addition to group courses*, I also offer individual courses that can be booked at any time on request.

All programs at a glance.

Individual coaching.
Personalised. Just as you are. Let me train you in your yoga in a 1:1 coaching session. What does your body need and which yoga style is right for you? Let's find out together for € 32,- per person (60 minutes).

Exclusive groups.
Would you like to do yoga in a group but stay among friends? Your yoga class for the best team, the most charming group of friends or a yoga session for a bachelorette party? It's all possible. Completely natural and customised for your group. Let's practise yoga | € 200 for the whole group (for up to 10 people and 60 minutes).

Whether in combination with a yoga session or without. Meditation means simply being there without doing anything. It's like an awake sleep that leaves you feeling rested and relaxed (individual coaching | 60 minutes).

*Weekly group sessions can be found in our events calendar. (€ 16,- per unit)

Booking the programs.
The yoga sessions can be booked on request directly with Lisa Grossmann on +43 670 555 8117 (also possible via WhatsApp) or at yogapunkt@gmx.at.

Mindfulness card set incl. places of energy.

Mindfulness card set incl. places of energy.
Mindfulness card set incl. places of energy.

The card set makes mindfulness and breathing exercises accessible to everyone. Breathing coach Carmen Drexel and mental trainer & energy therapist Rebecca Manser have described the path to their four favorite power spots and developed exercises focusing on the body, mind, and soul.


Basic rules.

  • Conscious Breathing: Establish a natural connection to your breath, body, and consciousness!
  • Avoid Overdoing: Don't force anything and avoid exaggerating any exercise. Your body's needs should never be suppressed.
  • Avoid Discomfort: If fears or discomfort arise, stop the exercise immediately.
  • Have Patience: Not every exercise works or has an immediate effect the first time. Be patient with yourself.
  • Wear Comfortable Clothing: Avoid tight clothes or jewelry that could restrict your movements.
  • Maintain a Straight Spine: Keep your spine straight. Exercises lying down or standing are recommended at the beginning.
  • Time After Eating: Allow some time to pass between your last meal and the exercises.

Please note the current traffic situation

  • L200 Bregenzerwald
  • B198 Reutte
  • L198 Lech
Show details